Tuesday 19 October 2021


 Find seven different ways to resolve this problem.

While shopping. the heel of a woman's shoe breaks off.

What can she do?

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Grandfather thinks it is time to prepare his will. He has three daughters: Ann, Beatrice, and Caroline. Each of his daughters has at least one child. The six grandchildren are: Frederic, Gregory, Henry, John, Laura, and Mary. Grandfather wishes each of his grandchildren to receive an equal share, but he can't remember how many children each of his daughters has.

However, he does remember that:

Beatrice has the biggest family.

Anne doesn't have a daughter.

Mary has two brothers.

Henry's brother is six months younger than Gregory.

Laura has neither brother nor sister.

How many children does each daughter have?

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Make seven different sentences ONLY using the words in this quote from Oscar Wilde.

"A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies."

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